Confira a correção das provas de língua inglesa da prova do Banco do Brasil.
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Concurso Banco do Brasil: Correção prova de Língua Inglesa

Confira a correção da prova do concurso do Banco do Brasil da matéria de Língua Inglesa junto do professor especialista Renato Baggio

A prova de inglês contou com um texto base, em inglês, para responder às questões, o texto contem bastantes termos do inglês técnico da área financeira. confira abaixo o texto completo:

Inflation is the most serious problem facing the Federal Reserve and “may take some time” to address, Fed Governor Philip Jefferson said on Tuesday in his first public remarks since joining the U.S. central bank’s governing body.

“Restoring price stability may take some time and will likely result in a period of below-trend growth,” Jefferson told a conference in Atlanta, joining the current Fed consensus for continued interest rate increases to battle price pressures.

“I want to assure you that my colleagues and I are resolute that we will bring inflation back down to 2% … We are committed to taking the further steps necessary.”

Monetary policy that stabilizes inflation “can produce long-term, noninflationary economic expansions … that economic history suggests is an ideal framework or environment for inclusive growth,” Jefferson said. “So, it is important that we get back to that kind of economy. And that is what I think the intent of the Fed is.”

Fed Chair Jerome Powell has admitted that the central bank’s intent to slow economic growth will cause economic “pain” and likely increased unemployment, but that the worst outcome would be to let inflation take root.

In his remarks, Jefferson said there are reasons to think rigid conditions in the labor market are already easing. Indeed new data on Tuesday showed a severe decrease in job openings in August that began to bring the number of workers sought by companies more in line with the numbers of unemployed.

That could help reduce salary growth, Jefferson said, and there were indications as well that “supply bottlenecks have, finally, begun to resolve,” and could also help slow down price increases.

But it remains uncertain how that will work, and in the meantime “inflation remains elevated, and this is the problem that concerns me most,” Jefferson said. “Inflation creates economic burdens for households and businesses, and everyone feels its effects.”

👉Leia também: Concurso Banco do Brasil: Correção prova de informática

Questão 11 (CESGRANRIO — 2023 — Banco do Brasil — Agente Comercial) The main purpose of the text is to

(A) argue that slowing the economic growth will definitely cause inflation to take root.
(B) indicate that inflation is a serious problem, and it needs to be adequately dealt with.
(C) suggest that restoring price stability will certainly increase inflation.
(D) show that controlling inflation is a minor concern, compared to unemployment.
(E) inform that the U.S. central bank’s monetary policy has already decreased inflation to 2%.

Resposta: Letra B

👉Leia também: O que fazer depois da prova concurso do Banco do Brasil

Questão 15 (CESGRANRIO — 2023 — Banco do Brasil — Agente Comercial) The fragment of last paragraph “Inflation creates economic burdens for households and businesses” means that inflation

(A) alleviates families and jobs.
(B) oppresses families and companies.
(C) stimulates institutions and commerce.
(D) supports institutions and jobs.
(E) promotes savings and investments.

Resposta: Letra B

👉Leia também: Gabarito Banco do Brasil 2023: confira agora mesmo

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